System Booster
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Install MCommands
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Text File
249 lines
; Installer script for MCommands
; $VER: Install MCommands 37.5 (31.8.95)
(complete 0)
(set @default-dest "C:")
(set @script-dest "S:Shell-Startup")
(set #comm-dir "/C/")
(set #script-name "/S/RX-Startup")
; ***************************************************************************
; English strings
(if (= @language "english")
(set #bad-kick
(cat "You must have AmigaDOS 2.04 or higher to use MCommands!"))
(set #welcome
(cat "\nMCommands installation\n\n\n"
"This script installs MCommands 1.4\n"
"on your Amiga.\n\n\n\n"
"MCommands package is\n"
"Copyright © 1994-95 Michael Letowski\n"
"All rights reserved.\n\n"))
(set #where-commands
(cat "Where should MCommands be installed?"))
(set #where-help
(cat "\nBy default, all CLI commands are placed in C:"
" logical directory. Hovewer, the commands can be"
" placed in any directory, as long as it is added to"
" search path by using \"Path\" command.\n\n"))
(set #script
(cat "Shall RXControl aliases be added to " @script-dest "?"))
(set #script-help
(cat "\nTo make RXControl fully compatible with"
" default setup, aliases may be added to"
" your Shell-Startup file that emulate"
" commands from SYS:Rexxc directory."))
(set #which-commands
(cat "Which MCommands should be installed?"))
(set #which-commands-help
(cat "\n\n\"BootLog\" records time and reason of reboot;"
"\n\n\"ChangeFont\" replaces topaz.font with user supplied one;"
"\n\n\"ClickStart\" enables/disables AmigaDOS features;"
"\n\n\"Examine\" checks type of file;"
"\n\n\"For\" executes a command for multiple arguments;"
"\n\n\"RXControl\" controls ARexx;"
"\n\n\"Time\" times command execution;"
"\n\n\"Touch\" changes date of file creation.\n\n\n"))
; ***************************************************************************
; Polish strings
(if (= @language "polski")
(set #bad-kick
(cat "Musisz posiadaê AmigaDOS w wersji 2.04 lub wyûszej aby uûyê pakietu!"))
(set #welcome
(cat "\nInstalacja \"MCommands\"\n\n\n"
"Skrypt ten zainstaluje pakiet\n"
"\"MCommands\" w wersji 1.4\n"
"na twojej Amidze.\n\n\n\n"
"Pakiet \"MCommands\" jest\n"
"Copyright © 1994-95 Michaî Îëtowski\n"
"All rights reserved.\n\n"))
(set #where-commands
(cat "Gdzie powinny zostaê zainstalowane rozkazy z pakietu?"))
(set #where-help
(cat "\nDomyôlnie, miejscem dla rozkazów CLI jest"
" logiczny katalog C:. Moûna jednak umieôciê"
" rozkazy w dowolnym miejscu tak dîugo, jak"
" bëdzie ono w ôcieûce wyszukiwania"
" (ustawianej rozkazem \"Path\").\n\n"))
(set #script
(cat "Czy mam dodaê skróty (\"aliasy\") do pliku " @script-dest "?"))
(set #script-help
(cat "\nAby uczyniê RXControl bardziej"
" zgodnym z typowym systemem, pewne"
" skróty emulujâce rozkazy z katalogu"
" SYS:Rexxc mogâ zostaê doîâczone do"
" pliku Shell-Startup."))
(set #which-commands
(cat "Które rozkazy z pakietu powinny zostaê zaistalowane?"))
(set #which-commands-help
(cat "\n\n\"BootLog\" zapisuje czas i powód restartu komputera"
"\n\n\"ChangeFont\" zamienia \"topaz.font\" na czcionkë wybranâ"
" przez uûytkownika;"
"\n\n\"ClickStart\" wîâcza/wyîâcza funkcje AmigaDOS;"
"\n\n\"Examine\" okreôla typy plików;"
"\n\n\"For\" wykonuje podany rozkaz dla wielu argumentów;"
"\n\n\"RXControl\" pozwala na kotrolë ARexx'a;"
"\n\n\"Time\" mierzy czas wykonania rozkazu;"
"\n\n\"Touch\" uaktualnia datë modyfikacji pliku.\n\n\n"))
; ***************************************************************************
; Install MCommands
; Check AmigaDOS version
(set #version (/ (getversion) 65536))
(if (< #version 37)
(abort #bad-kick)
(message #welcome)
(set old_level @user-level)
(user 2)
(set #mcommands-dir
(prompt #where-commands)
(help #where-help)
(default @default-dest))
; Choose commands
(if (< #version 39)
(set commands
(prompt #which-commands)
(help #which-commands-help @askoptions-help)
(set install-rx (IN commands 3))
(set commands
(prompt #which-commands)
(help #which-commands-help @askoptions-help)
(set install-rx (IN commands 4))
; Do copy
(user old_level)
(set n 0)
(if (< #version 40)
(set comm
(select n
(if (IN commands n)
(source (cat #comm-dir comm))
(dest #mcommands-dir)
(set n (+ n 1))
(complete (* n 12))
; 3.0 Install
(set comm
(select n
(if (IN commands n)
(source (cat #comm-dir comm))
(dest #mcommands-dir)
(set n (+ n 1))
(complete (* n 11))
; Append RX-Startup if RXControl was chosen
(if install-rx
(if (askbool
(prompt #script)
(help #script-help)
(dest @script-dest)
(include @script-dest)
(include #script-name)
(set @default-dest #mcommands-dir)
(complete 100)